Art Therapy

Art Therapy (also known as Creative Arts Therapy) integrates mental health and social services within a psychotherapeutic relationship. It engages the creative process of art-making in conjunction with traditional talk therapy to improve and enhance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of individuals of all ages. It allows you to channel your internal feelings into an external container in which you can then see your feelings, grapple with them, and eventually transform them. Working with art taps into your creative side, and helps you connect with a deeply authentic part of yourself.

Art is a safe way to express yourself. You do not need to have any artistic skills or experience to benefit from Art Therapy. It is used to address a range of issues including trauma, anxiety, grief, self-esteem, coping skills, and personal well-being. It can lead to personal fulfillment, emotional reparation, transformation, resolution of conflicts, problem solving, improved social skills and interpersonal communication, enhanced self-esteem, stress reduction, formulation of new perceptions, and insight.

Everyone is an individual, affected by their specific life situation – family, friends, home – and with an individualized approach to Art Therapy, you are given the opportunity to fully explore, gain perspective and understanding, and work on healthy coping strategies.