Therapeutic Relationship

You are the expert on your own life. My role is to help you draw on your own inner resources and to possibly help you develop new resources while exploring and processing your experiences and feelings in a safe space. As a licensed Creative Arts Therapist, I am open to using anything that engages you, including art, music, sand tray, puppet play, therapeutic games, yoga, computer games, reading children’s books, deep breathing coping skills, progressive muscle relaxation, feeling charades, and of course talk. You name it, I’ve used it, and if I haven’t yet used it, I’m excited to learn about it and incorporate it.

Through listening to you, I provide you with opportunities to tap into your own creativity and sense of discovery to help you explore your feelings, make sense of your experiences, enhance self-esteem, improve socialization skills and interpersonal communication, reduce stress and anxiety, feel a sense of control and accomplishment, and develop healthy coping strategies, including creative self-calming techniques. Through heightened self-awareness, you can choose to shift out of autopilot into a more satisfying lifestyle where you are the driver. In concert with traditional talk therapy, by externalizing your feelings through metaphors, we can safely explore your internal world, and it opens up a whole new world into your feelings, behaviors, relationships, and experiences.

A strong therapeutic relationship requires trust, and I create a judgment-free zone, and treat all my clients with respect, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, political leanings, and all aspects of diversity.